Through time, acupuncture was found out to be capable of treating a wide range of illness and surprisingly, it can help in speeding up labour in women. How is this possible?To many moms, going into labour is such a difficult and undesirable experience. You can never imagine how painful it is to be in labour and words aren't enough to describe the excruciating pain which pregnant women have to deal with before giving birth.It is such a terrible agony to be in labour for a couple of hours and even days. But there are actually ways on how to speed up your labour. Acupuncture promises relief to women who are afraid of going through the labour stage of their pregnancy.Acupuncture-How It's Done
Acupuncture is an ancient form of healing which revolves around a premise that the body is consist of meridians or channels. These meridians serve as the pathways of life energy or chi in the body. When these meridians are blocked, diseases begin to occur.Through the years, more and more pregnant women have come to believe in the power of acupuncture in helping them get through labour and delivery easily and successfully. Since this traditional method of healing does not bring any adverse side effects to the body, many doctors are recommending acupuncture treatments before delivery. In one study, it was even found out that acupuncture can help in turning a breech fetus towards the end of pregnancy.According to Traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture is capable of providing emotional and physical support to women when labouring. Compared to modern induction drugs, acupuncture does not bring any side effects to mothers as well as their babies.Nowadays, many women have depended on induction drugs when giving birth. However, it was found out that induction drugs such as Pitocin has the potential to create adverse effects to pregnant women. These side effects include nausea, vomiting, pelvic hematoma, premature ventricular contractions, fatal afibrinogenemia, anaphylactic reaction, cardiac arrhythmia and postpartum hemorrhage.Benefits of Acupuncture In Labour
Basically, acupuncture helps in shortening the time spent on labour, reducing complications and limiting the possibility of having a caesarean section. Also, it reduces the need for oxytocin which is necessary to speed up labour as well as in reducing the need for pain medications prior to giving birth.Acupuncture also plays a vital role in inducing labour for pregnancy which is over 40 weeks as well as in increasing the frequency and strength of contraction. In fact, it can help in inducing labour within 48 hours in women who were considered by their physicians as overdue. Acupuncture is also beneficial in the management of back pain, fear, fatigue and anxiety which are associated with labour and giving birth.Acupuncture may be effective in inducing labour however the process is not immediate. Many hospitals would prefer the natural way of getting in and out of labour. But of course, every hospital bed is expensive as well as the doctor's professional fee. The longer you stay in the hospital, the more expensive your hospital bill would be. In this case, it is recommended to begin getting your acupuncture treatment before your due date arrives. Expert acupuncturists can provide clear information about how long you should wait before your labour begin.Acupuncture Points To Induce Labour
Pain during labour usually arises from stretching of the cervix. The onset of labour increases the level of endorphin which helps the mothers cope with the pain associated with labour.Stimulating the -quot;Forbidden Points-quot; is beneficial in influencing the muscles of the uterus which can help in strengthening contraction. These acupuncture points are considered as forbidden points because they cannot be stimulated in any other times expect during pregnancy.Stimulating the ear points is beneficial in reducing pain and increasing uterine contractions. Aside from its pain relieving effects, stimulating the auricular points is also beneficial in providing ample amount of energy which in turn can help in preventing prolonged labour.Most of the acupuncture points for labour are located in the ears. By stimulating the auricular points with electrical impulses, acupuncture can help in speeding up contractions especially when labour has slowed down. Aside from its capacity to provide pain relief, the stimulation of acupuncture points also provides relaxation effects.
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