Thursday, August 23, 2012

CoolSculpting - Shedding Unwanted Fat for an Improved Body Contour

Each treated area of a CoolSculpting procedure will bring about noticeable results of fat reduction. When a patient receives their initial treatment, they will experience additional fat reduction within the weeks and months after treatment. A patient can even have additional fat-freezing procedure to experience even more fat reduction. During your consultation, you and your plastic surgeon can discuss a treatment plan that meets your needs.Once you and your doctor have decided on the area or areas that are to be treated during your CoolSculpting procedure, the surgeon will position the device on the targeted area. The device used during the procedure will suction the targeted area and draw a bulge up within the two panels. You will feel a firm pressure and pull that is necessary to efficiently cool the targeted area. This procedure lasts a little more than an hour, depending on the extent of the procedure.Although then crylipolysis method of freezing fat may cause you to feel intense cold and pressure within a few minutes of treatment, the treatment is completely pain-free. During the treatment, many patients opt to work on their laptops, read, watch a movie, or in some case, take a nap. Since this procedure in non-surgical, Following treatment, you can return right back to work, or the activity you were involved in prior to treatment. You may experience some minor discomfort to the treatment area such as redness, numbness, or tingling, however; it is nowhere near the swelling, bruising, or additional discomforts you will feel when you receive the liposuction surgical procedure of fat removal.Following your fat-freezing procedure, you should start to notice changes as soon as 3 week following your treatment. Your most dramatic results of your fat-freezing procedure will be noticeable 2 months or more following treatment. Some patients that have the crylipolysis method performed on them still flush out dead fat cells for up to 4 to months following treatment.One of the benefits of the CoolSculpting procedure is that you do not have to adopt a new eating plan or intense exercise regimen ensures your results are long lasting. You do not even have to start taking pills or herbal supplements to maintain the results of this procedure. You can maintain long-term results of this treatment as long as you maintain a normal exercise and diet regimen and maintain your weight.You can call and schedule a consultation to find out more information on the CoolSculpting procedure or you can find out if you are a good candidate for the procedure. Your doctor will thoroughly explain the details of the procedure where you can learn how to prepare, the many benefits of the procedure, financial information, and much more.

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