Wednesday, August 22, 2012

How to Make Your DIEP Flap Recovery Easier

If you have a DIEP flap procedure coming up, chances are you also have a mastectomy planned, or already had one. If you want to improve your chances for success and have an easier recovery time, you should get prepared emotionally and physically for the procedure a few days before your actual surgery.There are some things you can do to improve your level of comfort before and after your procedure. First, be mindful of any doctor's orders you receive and if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. Before your doctor decides to sign your discharge papers, inquire about homecare services. Depending on where you have your DIEP flap performed and who it is performed by, your doctor can possibly arrange for a nurse to come and check up on you once a week to make sure that all of your incisions are draining properly and you are healing nicely.Since you are having tissue removed from the abdominal area to be grafted into the chest area, you will receive several incisions. You may be quite sore after the procedure, so to minimize your discomfort your doctor will prescribe you a good arsenal of pain medication. Keep in mind that the amount of pain medications you will be on can cause you to experience some constipation. To help minimize this unpleasant side effect, you should take a stool softener. You can have your doctor prescribe you one or you can ask which of the over the counter versions would be safe enough for you to take.Make sure you take enough time off from work. This is considered an invasive procedure, which means that you won't be able to resume many of your normal activities anytime soon after your DIEP flap procedure. Ask friends and family to come and help you during your recovery. Keep in mind that you won't be able to do much of anything during the first weeks after your surgery. You may think that you will be able to handle some of the simplest tasks such as cooking or laundry, but once you try you may find that you are better off in bed or in a recliner resting and healing. Let someone else take care of you while you are recovering. You may also feel a bit fatigued in the first few weeks after your DIEP flap that is completely normal. It is the result of your body healing and a side effect of your medication. It will pass as you continue to progress through your recovery period.If you have trouble getting in and out of bed because of the discomfort you feel from having the DIEP flap, you should think about sleeping in a recliner. Not only is it much easier for you to get into, it can also relief some of the pressure you feel on your chest and abdomen since you will be sitting/lying in a partially inclined position. Drink lots of water and keep your strength up by eating properly as well.

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