Monday, September 3, 2012

Medical Record Review Companies Win Cases for Lawyers

Once a lawyer takes up a Medico-Legal case, the challenge is to organize the medical records.A normal set of Medical records could be anywhere from 500 to 2000 pages or even more. Once they are organized, they have to be reviewed in a format that suits the working methodology adopted by the lawyer.Normally the structure would be a chronological listing of all related events, but the data recorded in this would be customized to the need of a particular lawyer.Based on the sensitive nature of the case, he may need a basic or a highly detailed review or a review highlighting a particular treatment.A good medical review would follow a clear logical pattern in healthcare. It would begin- With an event that led to a medical complication that is under study
- followed by a chief complaint
- Physician's list of tests to find out the root of the issue
- results of tests / lab reports
- Diagnosis
- Treatment Plan / or referral to a specialist
- Work status (ability to work normally / modified work/ cannot work)This is where an experienced Medical record review company could be of tremendous assistance to the Lawyer. They would be well versed with HIPAA regulations necessary to handle sensitive patient information.Legal firms can benefit in sourcing the Medical review from companies rather than hiring a fulltime professional as cases handled could vary from month to month. When you decide to source a company to service your requirement, your financial commitment is only for the actual service rendered.A detailed telephonic chat with the process owner in a Medical Record Review company will reveal the expertise they have and definitely helps in making a decision. The next step would be to ask them complete a free pilot review for you. Sharing all necessary information with them on the type of review you would need would go a long way in their understanding of your requirement.Other benefits is flexible Turn-Around-Time for getting your reports, identification of missing records, pricing to fit your budget etc... Do what you do best and leave the rest to us is a cliché that fits very well for record review companies.A major factor while choosing a Medical Review company is to have support via phone / chat / email during your normal working hours. This adds comfort to the law firm creating a seamless office atmosphere.Hiring professional companies goes a long way to ensure creation of a platform where the lawyer is better positioned to get a favorable verdict.

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